Queensland - Universities in Brisbane, Colleges in Brisbane - All courses Listed for International Student.

3879 courses were found

To display a particular course's details please click on the course name in the list below.

No Course Name Provider Est Total Cost ($) State Duration(Wks)
2901 Master of Nursing Studies The University of Queensland 49,572.00 QLD 104
2902 Master of Nutrition and Dietetics Griffith University 56,000.00 QLD 104
2903 Master of Occupational Therapy (Research) James Cook University 48,000.00 QLD 104
2904 Master of Occupational Therapy Practice Central Queensland University 40,500.00 QLD 130
2905 Master of Optometry Queensland University of Technology (QUT) 44,400.00 QLD 104
2906 Master of Organisational Psychology Griffith University 48,000.00 QLD 104
2907 Master of Pharmacy James Cook University 48,000.00 QLD 104
2908 Master of Pharmacy Griffith University 56,400.00 QLD 78
2909 Master of Pharmacy (Honours) Griffith University 75,200.00 QLD 104
2910 Master of Philosophy Australian Catholic University Limited 37,000.00 QLD 104

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