

Tasmania - Universities in Tasmania, Colleges in Tasmania - All courses Listed for International Student.

541 courses were found

To display a particular course's details please click on the course name in the list below.

No Course Name Provider Est Total Cost ($) State Duration(Wks)
251 certificate IV in Hospitality (Supervision) Tasmanian Polytechnic 5,250.00 TAS 20
252 Certificate IV in Interactive Digital Media Tasmanian Polytechnic 11,000.00 TAS 42
253 Certificate IV in Marketing Tasmanian Polytechnic 5,000.00 TAS 20
254 Certificate IV in Music Tasmanian Polytechnic 10,000.00 TAS 48
255 Certificate IV in Outdoor Recreation Tasmanian Polytechnic 5,250.00 TAS 24
256 certificate IV in Screen Tasmanian Polytechnic 10,000.00 TAS 48
257 Certificate IV in Sound Production Tasmanian Polytechnic 11,100.00 TAS 42
258 Certificate IV in Tourism Tasmanian Polytechnic 3,000.00 TAS 12
259 Certificate IV in Tourism (Guiding) Tasmanian Polytechnic 5,250.00 TAS 15
260 Certificate IV in Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft Tasmanian Polytechnic 11,350.00 TAS 42

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Current PROMOTION Course in Adelaide

Total duration : 1 year

Application fee : $ 200
Tuition fee : $1,500/ 3 months
Material fee : -
Visa fee : $558
OSHC : $550/ year


Sydney Office

Level 3/ 1 Chalmers Crescent
Sydney NSW 2020
Phone: +61 2 8064 4011
Mobile: +61 414 163 062
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Melbourne Office

Manchester Unity Building
Level 7, Unit 705
220 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone : +61 3 9973 2741
Mobile : + 61 452 661 687
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Perth Office

39/ 13-15 Cantonment St
WA 6160
Phone: +61 2 8064 4011
Mobile: +61 406 029 642
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

South Australia - Universities in Adelaide, Colleges in Adelaide - All courses Listed for International Student.

[iapps $state = "SA"; include "studyinaustraliauniversity/list.php"; iapps]

Queensland - Universities in Brisbane, Colleges in Brisbane - All courses Listed for International Student.

[iapps $state = "QLD"; include "studyinaustraliauniversity/list.php"; iapps]

Northen Territory - All courses Listed for International Student.

[iapps $state = "NT"; include "studyinaustraliauniversity/list.php"; iapps]