Visa Options after Working Holiday Expired?
Many working holiday makers enjoy themselves so much in Australia that they don't want to leave after their visas expire!
This is entirely understandable - the only problem is figuring out which visa to apply for to extend your stay in Australia. The main options you could consider are:
Working Holiday Extension
You can get another 12 months working holiday visa - but the catch is that you need to do at least 3 months of "seasonal work". This would require you to spend the 3 months in a regional part of Australia - the main jobs you could do would be:
Harvesting or packing of fruit and vegetable crops
Pruning and trimming vines and trees
General maintenance crop work
Student Visa
If you would like to do some study in Australia, you can get a visa which is valid for the entire period of the course. There are a wide range of courses you can look at - from basic business or IT courses which can be done relatively cheaply to bachelor or master degrees which will help you in your career. The main advantages of student visas are:
You can work for up to 20 hours per week during semester, and full time in semester break
You can include your partner in your student visa application
A good visa use as a transition to permanent residence, for example through partner visas, skilled visas or business sponsorship
More information on studying in Australia is available at
Business Sponsorship
Many working holiday makers have been sponsored through the 457 visa program over the years. The 457 visa would allow you to stay in Australia for up to 4 years, but you could only work for your sponsoring employer. Only skilled positions can be sponsored, and there are minimum salary levels for the position as well. However, recent changes make it more difficult for employers to sponsor for 457 visas and the economic downturn certainly hasn't helped. You might wish to consider the following alternatives to 457 visas:
ENS (Employer Nomination Scheme): you can think of ENS as a permanent version of the 457 visa. You would usually need to have at least 3 years of work experience and qualifications in your field to qualify for an ENS visa straight away. However, you can also qualify if you have been on a 457 visa for 2 years. Strangely enough, at the moment it is easier to get an ENS visa than a 457 - mainly due to looser requirements on training and minimum salary.
RSMS (Regional Skilled Migration Scheme): this is a permanent visa, but requries a job offer in a regional area of Australia. There is no occupations list or minimum salary for this option, but you would in general need to have a diploma or trade qualification to be eligible. You would be expected to stay with your employer for a period of 2 years after grant of the RSMS visa.
General Skilled Migration
General Skilled Migration (GSM) leads to permanent residence, but the main problem with this option at the moment is the very long processing times - we are talking 2-3 years at least here. If you do have an occupation on the Critical Skills List (CSL), the situation is much better. CSL occupations include accountants, engineers, IT professionals, teachers, doctors, nurses and allied health (eg pharmacy, physio). If you have a CSL occupation, you might get your Permanent Residence within 6 months. Otherwise, you are in for a long wait...
Partner Migration
If you are in a relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident, they can sponsor you. You would either need to be married or to have lived together for 12 months to apply on defacto grounds. Problem is, with a working holiday visa, it's only valid for 12 months so it makes the defacto option difficult. You will also need to stay with your partner for 2 years - if you break up during this time, your partner visa application will be refused and you will need to look at other options very quickly.
The difficulties in getting 457 visas and General Skilled visas mean that more and more working holiday makers are looking at study in Australia as a way to stay on after their working holiday visas. Student visas do let you work in Australia, and they give you more time to explore longer stay options such as business sponsorship, skilled migration and partner visas.
It's also good for your career options to have an Australian qualification - might give you that extra edge when applying for jobs.

Visa Options After Working Holiday Expired

What's happening next if your Australian Working Holiday Visa Expires?

One of the easiest option is you can apply for a very affordable course that will give you 2 years student visa. Our cheapest course starts from $1,350/ 3 months. It is a CRICOS approved for international student. Thus, you can apply for this course. And the campus is conveniently located right in the middle of the Sydney City CBD, Melbourne CBD, Perth CBD, Adelaide CBD and Brisbane CBD.

If you have been in Australia on a Working Holiday Visa that expires soon and would like to stay for another year or so, Brightannica Registered Education and Migration Agency can arrange a few options for you.

Brightannica is licensed to represent students in applying for courses and student visas, either the student is onshore or offshore applicant. You do not have to be worry with the complicated process; we will assist you with the application free of charge (For Level Assessment 1 and 2 only).


Many working holiday makers enjoy themselves so much in Australia that they don't want to leave after their visas expire!

This is entirely understandable - the only problem is figuring out which visa to apply for to extend your stay in Australia. The main options you could consider are:

Working Holiday Extension

You can get another 12 months working holiday visa - but the catch is that you need to do at least 3 months of "seasonal work". This would require you to spend the 3 months in a regional part of Australia - the main jobs you could do would be:

  • Harvesting or packing of fruit and vegetable crops
  • Pruning and trimming vines and trees
  • General maintenance crop work

Affordable Student Visa

If you would like to do some study in Australia, you can get a visa which is valid for the entire period of the course. There are a wide range of courses you can look at - from basic business or IT courses which can be done relatively cheaply to bachelor or master degrees which will help you in your career. The main advantages of student visas are:

  • You can work for up to 20 hours per week during semester, and full time in semester break
  • You can include your partner in your student visa application
  • A good visa use as a transition to permanent residence, for example through partner visas, skilled visas or business sponsorship
  • The student visa course starts from $1,350/ 3 months

Business Sponsorship

Many working holiday makers have been sponsored through the 457 visa program over the years. The 457 visa would allow you to stay in Australia for up to 4 years, but you could only work for your sponsoring employer. Only skilled positions can be sponsored, and there are minimum salary levels for the position as well. However, recent changes make it more difficult for employers to sponsor for 457 visas and the economic downturn certainly hasn't helped.

You might wish to consider the following alternatives to 457 visas:

ENS (Employer Nomination Scheme):

You can think of ENS as a permanent version of the 457 visa. You would usually need to have at least 3 years of work experience and qualifications in your field to qualify for an ENS visa straight away. However, you can also qualify if you have been on a 457 visa for 2 years. Strangely enough, at the moment it is easier to get an ENS visa than a 457 - mainly due to looser requirements on training and minimum salary.

RSMS (Regional Skilled Migration Scheme):

This is a permanent visa, but requries a job offer in a regional area of Australia. There is no occupations list or minimum salary for this option, but you would in general need to have a diploma or trade qualification to be eligible. You would be expected to stay with your employer for a period of 2 years after grant of the RSMS visa.

General Skilled Migration

General Skilled Migration (GSM) leads to permanent residence, but the main problem with this option at the moment is the very long processing times - we are talking 2-3 years at least here. If you do have an occupation on the SOL, the situation is much better. SOL occupations include accountants, engineers, IT professionals, teachers, doctors, nurses and allied health (eg pharmacy, physio).If you have a SOL occupation, you might get your Permanent Residence within 6 months. Otherwise, you are in for a long wait...


Partner Migration

If you are in a relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident, they can sponsor you. You would either need to be married or to have lived together for 12 months to apply on defacto grounds. Problem is, with a working holiday visa, it's only valid for 12 months so it makes the defacto option difficult. You will also need to stay with your partner for 2 years - if you break up during this time, your partner visa application will be refused and you will need to look at other options very quickly.


The difficulties in getting 457 visas and General Skilled visas mean that more and more working holiday makers are looking at study in Australia as a way to stay on after their working holiday visas. Student visas do let you work in Australia, and they give you more time to explore longer stay options such as business sponsorship, skilled migration and partner visas.

It's also good for your career options to have an Australian qualification - might give you that extra edge when applying for jobs.


Quick Contact Form

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Contact us now to book your appointment (Please have your visa, passport and detail ready).
Our team will help you throughout the process.

Brightannica Team



Apply New Student Visa Level Assessment 4

Before you apply for Student Visa, you must have applied for and been accepted to study full-time at an educational institution in Australia. This visa will allow you to stay in Australia for the duration of your course with multiple entries permission. To check your visa assessment level, click here

Brightannica is licensed to represent students in applying a new or renewing their student visas, either the student is onshore or offshore applicant. We will assist you through the process of your visa application.

Here is the overview of the process of your application: 

 Complete all the documents below:

  • Form 157A
  • Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCOE) and/or letter of offer issued by your education provider for the course(s) you are undertaking
  • Visa application charge
  • Passport
  • 4 recent passport sized photographs (4cm x 3cm)
  • OSHC evidence  [We have partnerships with Medibank Private so we can sort this out for you]
  • Penal Clearance of for any country you have lived in for 12 months, or longer, in the last ten years, since reaching 16 years of age.
  • Form 26A and Form 160 and evidence of a booking, or receipt from your Medical and x-ray examinations
  • Declaration and evidence on your student visa application that you have sufficient funds to cover yourself for the 36months of your stay in Australia
    i.      Living cost (about 18000 per year) + travel cost (return air fare)
    ii.      Tuition cost (course fees)
  • Evidence that you have access to funds to cover travel costs to and from Australia
  • Proof of English Test - IELTS certificate
  • Academic transcript
  • Evidence of Income
  • Evidence of Funds
  • Financial Documents

Most of the documents/ steps above can be done ONLINE.

  • Once you completed all of the documents above, send it all to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • We will help you through the rest of the application process.

If you have any further enquiries about the documents above, simply contact us : Brightannica Team





Apply New Student Visa Level Assessment 3

For students from Visa Level Assessment 3, the application requirement and the lengthy process sometimes can be confusing for international students. Brightannica provides service to assist you with your visa application.

It can take anywhere from several weeks to several months for your visa application to be processed. Hence, it is important to begin the visa application process as soon as you have received an offer to study in Australia.

Before preparing the documents, you first need to check what level assessment your home country is. You can check it here

If you come from level assessment 3 country, you will need to provide documents as described below;

  • Form 157A
  • Passport
  • 4 recent passport sized photographs (4cm x 3cm)
  • Electronic Confirmation of Enrollment (eCOE) and/or letter of offer issued by your education provider for the course(s) you are undertaking;
  • Visa application charge
  • OSHC evidence [We have partnerships with Medibank Private so we can sort this out for you]
  • Penal Clearance of for any country you have lived in for 12 months, or longer, in the last ten years, since reaching 16 years of age
  • Form 26A and Form 160 and evidence of a booking, or receipt from your Medical and x-ray examinations
  • Declaration and evidence on your student visa application that you have sufficient funds to cover yourself for the 12 months of your stay in Australia which include living cost (about 18000 per year) + travel cost (return air fare) and tuition cost (course fees)
  • Evidence that you have access to funds to cover travel costs to and from Australia
  • Proof of English Test - IELTS certificate
  • Academic transcript
  • Evidence of Income if applicable
  • Evidence of Funds/ Financial Documents


Most of the documents/ steps above can be done ONLINE.

Once you completed all of the documents above, send it all to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We will help you through the rest of the application process.

If you have any further enquiry about the documents above, simply contact us to : Brightannica Team


Apply New Student Visa Level Assessment 2

Soon after you received your electronic Confirmation of Enrollment (eCOE), next thing you have to do is applying for student visa. The application process of student visa is complicated for international student, as you have to satisfy all of the visa requirements.

Before you start with your application, you have to check for your home country level assessment here

The other thing you have to check is what Visa Subclass are you going to apply.
Here are the lists for the Visa subclass:

  • 570 – Independent ELICOS
    This visa subclass is for international students undertaking English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Student) as a stand-alone course, and not as a prerequisite to commencing another course (for instance, a degree course).
  • 571- Schools
    This visa subclass is intended for international students undertaking a course of study at a primary school or a secondary school, including both junior and senior secondary school, and an approved secondary exchange program
  • 572 – Vocational education and Training (VET) sector
    This visa subclass covers Certificate I, II, III and IV, Diploma and as well the Advanced Diploma
  • 573 – Higher Education
    This visa subclass covers Bachelor degree, Associate Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master by coursework.
  • 574 – Postgraduate Research
    This visa subclass only for Master degree by research and Doctoral Degrees
  • 575 – non-award
    This visa subclass is for foundation, bridging or other courses that do not lead to the award of a degree, diploma or other formal award.

Next step, once you know which level assessment are you in.
For level assessment 2, you have to provide all of these documents:

  • Form 157A
  • Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCOE) and/or letter of offer issued by your education provider for the course(s) you are undertaking
  • Visa application charge
  • Passport
  • 4 recent passport sized photographs (4cm x 3cm)
  • OSHC evidence [We have partnerships with Medibank Private so we can sort this out for you]
  • Form 26A and Form 160 and evidence of a booking, or receipt from your Medical and x-ray examinations
  • Declaration and evidence on your student visa application that you have sufficient funds to cover yourself for the first 12 months of your stay in Australia including living cost (about 18000 per year) + travel cost (return air fare) + tuition cost (course fees)
  • Evidence that you have access to funds to cover travel costs to and from Australia

Most of the documents/ steps above can be done ONLINE.

Once you completed all of the documents above, send it all to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We will help you with FREE OF CHARGE service through the rest of the application process

If you have any further inquiries about the documents above, simply contact us Brightannica Team